
My effort to help books find their way into the hands of kids who need them (new books to keep, to own, to have forever) is off to a flying start...and hit its first bump...all in one week. To which, I say, HOORAY! If there weren't bumps along the way, I would find myself questioning the value of the journey. So bump #1 is: I’m going to rename the initiative.

Originally, I called it “Kids Need Books,” but Jarrett Lerner helpfully pointed out that the wonderful Ann Braden had launched an earlier effort using that name (with the hashtag #kidsneedbooks). So I reached out to Ann and Jarrett, apologizing for inadvertently using the same name (bump!) and offering to change the name of my effort. They felt it was okay to keep both with the same name (very gracious and generous!), but upon reflection I’ve decided to change the name to avoid further confusion. So I’m now going to call my initiative kids+books—and I stand ready to apologize to anyone who might be using that name, too!

I strongly encourage everyone who would like to learn more and participate in Ann’s project to visit http://annbradenbooks.com/2018/05/kidsneedbooks/. There, you’ll see that Ann, too, was inspired by Donalyn Miller (that woman is inspirational) and her message of kids needing books.

So, a new name, a new week, a new day: kids+books. It’s a good equation. 




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It’s Not That Complicated