Jacqueline’s fee ranges from $2,400–$2,800 per day, depending on the distance from your school to Needham, Massachusetts. There may be additional travel expenses. Please note that if your school is more than 60 minutes from Jacqueline’s house, you must book more than one day for the visit, but you are welcome to share a multi-day visit with other schools. To determine the cost for your school, consult the fee schedule below. Mileage is calculated at the current GSA rate (www.gsa.gov).
A visit includes up to 4 presentations per day. Please note: Jacqueline does not pro-rate the fee by the number of presentations. Two schools are welcome to share a single day, with each school responsible for a portion of the per-day fee. Each presentation lasts approximately 50 minutes.
STANDARD VISITS (UP TO A 3-HOUR DRIVE) (Please note: There is a 2-day minimum for these visits. Any number of schools in the area can join together to fill the two days.) $2,800/day plus mileage, overnight accommodations, and meals.
LONG-DISTANCE VISITS (MORE THAN A 3-HOUR DRIVE) (Please note: There is a 3-day minimum for these visits. Any number of schools in the area can join together to fill the three days.) $2,800/day plus overnight accommodations, meals, airfare, parking, and local transportation.
The fee for a single, one-hour presentation is $1,200.
You are welcome to split the fee with as many schools as you like. For example, if three schools share the meeting, each school pays only $400. If ten schools share the meeting, each school pays only $120. However, the total number of connections to the meeting (including classroom connections and remote connections) may not exceed 100. (If you require more than 100 total connections, please let Melissa know well in advance of the visit.)
Payment in full must be received before the visit.